A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Buck and some change samples of some interesting stuff from FinePuer.com

Just brewed five grams out of the ten gram $1.30 sample sent to me by FinePuer out of Malaysia. A 2006 Dayi Bada Peacock and man am I buzzing after six steeps. Medicinal, mineral, long-lasting back of throat taste that I really like. A bright and vibrant tea, a sense of hyper-alertness accompanies the head buzz. Yesterday I got my first teapot from Petr Novak and really wanted to use it but it holds far too much tea for the five grams I allotted myself of this wonderful tea.
So I used a plain gaiwan holding 100ml and used the delightfully rough, almost concrete-feeling Novak pot as my Cha Hai. Loved it. Happy, happy, happy me.
Big thanks to Emmett for telling me about this online company and helping me choose some things to explore!