A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

My first teas from Hawaii. Who knew?

With perfect timing my tea sample from Mauna Kea Tea arrived today. I say 'perfect timing' because they sent me a green tea with ginger and turmeric, (which I do not see on their site right at this moment) and I am just now learning about the benefits of both, hitting Sprout's Market and buying capsules of turmeric with black pepper and always have on hand, of course, plenty of fresh ginger. This new to me company also sent a sample of a green tea with coconut, which is flavored only with real coconut or I wouldn't even taste it. And although my inclination is always unflavored teas, there have been exceptions. I am trying to decide right now if this is one of them. I will let you know. Visually I am not used to seeing teas this chopped.

Going to steep in my 8 ounce infuser mug 4 minutes and see what I see. In the meantime, enjoy learning about this committed to totally organic company by clicking here! More to come.