A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Camellia-Sinensis.com's Tan Huang Green from Vietnam. Enjoying my tea. Finishing my tea. Abiding in the Now.

Tan Huang from Camellia-Sinensis is like a medication for the soul. Stop with the listening and the reading of the news. OM, mother-fucker, (talking to myself here). Enjoying my tea. Finishing my tea.
This is one of my favorite green teas, period. From anywhere. It's way heartier than one would expect with a flash-brew of 4 grams in a 250 ml pot, but even the first brew is full of flavors, and mainly it has a well, a perky, zesty feeling to it as one sips it. (That 'one', being me of course.)
I tend to overheat the water for my green teas and today was no different. I had a first steep at 208f, far too hot, but immediately followed by a second steep at 185, and then a third down at 175, all of which were perfectly palpable. However, I am certain if I had not initially 'burnt' the tea with that way too hot water the following steeps might have shown me a sweeter side?
I would write more, and more glowingly, as my steeps are progressing as I write this, (the body is still nice and lushly mineral) but as Camellia Sinensis is out of stock on this tea, so will end here with a wish for all my tea friends and few readers to keep-on keepin' on! Abide where you can! Don't let the bastards get you down! Turn off the TV's, put on some Stanley Turrentine jazz ballads or something and enjoy what we have together, at this moment.
(Keep the personal dramas to a minimum. All this jack-ass is going to accomplish is  a broken ankle and a reputation for being a drama queen.)