OK, got a big 'un in my mouth right now, maybe I will just chew it and see how that goes. Ok, I am chewing it, chewing it, chewing it. Shit, mastication needs to be seriously employed just to mash this tiny leaf of Bai Hao Yinzhen. Ok, got it down, now I have a mild but bitter flavor in my mouth. This can't be how its done.
Leaves have been sitting in the glass for ten minutes now and maybe 20% have fallen to the bottom, the rest remain stubbornly at the top, barring me from enjoying even lady-like sips of my brew.
Clearly I need to weigh in with this issue with my tea-head friends and cohorts at 'Beginner's Mind Gongfu Tea group on Facebook. God damn, that's bitter. The tea itself, if I can get around the leaves, using my teeth as a strainer, (not fun) is delicious, but the leaf I chewed was certainly not happy about being deconstructed in my mouth in such a fashion!