A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Viking Moxie Tea helps this 'old lady' out big-time on a rather tough day!

Damn. I am wiped out, my dudes!
A day of doctors visits, poked, prodded and plied with questions.
I need something (mainly) herbal.
And today was just the beginning of a journey to find out what the hell is wrong with my sweetly aging, zaftig bod. That being said, I will add the novelty factor of getting old really is very high. Who knows how much longer that will last but for now it is awesome that I still think I am 'playing' at getting old. Like its dress-up time. I can wear really ugly socks I bought at Rite-Aid AND wear them with knock-off (and used thrift-store) 'Birkenstocks?' Really? That's frigging awesome! Goodbye forever to garter belts and heels, this is the new and improved version of me, just fatter and way more achy.
Anyhow, perfect timing to try a sample of Mox Tea that came my way yesterday. Where is that herbal infuser I use for messy rooibos? Now, which cup to use? Oh yes, that HUGE whimsical creation from RingWare. And I am off to try it out...

(These two are a perfect match! The infuser sits on top of this gorgeous Yunomi type cup just right. UPDATE! This Yunomi cup got married last night to some Japanese green so will no longer be dating this tea or any others! Have to just use a nice big mug for my Moxie!)

It's a pretty brew, and tasty too but far too hot and I need it now so I do the usually unthinkable and add some Trader Joe's Vanilla Almond milk. The Moxi website says I can add sugar but then I would have to kill myself.
But the almond milk I'm OK with. I may live on.

The blend is nice, a little more cinnamon than I really need but at least its real cinnamon and not a flavoring which I cannot 'abide'.
Let's see exactly what's in it for I am feeling a helluva lot spunkier after my big mug and am now on muggo numero two-o!

9 Traditional herbs: Rhodiola Rosea; Gotu Kola; Gingko Biloba; Icelandic Moss, Green & Black Tea leaves; Rose Petals; Cinnamon; Cloves

I feel as if I could find something that tasted almost as good in a tea bag, but it would be all fannings and shake but I am not that person. Also no way would there be those first four listed ingredients, I don't even know what a couple of those are. Moss? And I am a visual tea-drinker, I want to see a good looking brew, in fact I would go so far as to tell Mox that I would be delighted to see even more large pieces than I am seeing in this sample and hope with my first order it will be even prettier in the vessel than this session is, and seriously, take a  look at those leaves and buds and what-not, they already are looking very attractive.
I think we have a winner, herbal and some caffeine? This tea is abiding right by this old dude.

(Yeah, I want it to look like this!)