With a husband out of town, all my friends scattered around the globe and still needing to function to care for the child, multiple birds, various reptiles and a household to run, I gravitated towards the remainder of a sample sent by Rajiv Lochan himself weeks prior. An Arya Ruby Darjeeling. I had tried this, my first Darjeeling, Gongfu style the week prior and liked it well enough but this morning I knew if ever I was going to put a tea into a infuser pot and add a little honey and milk, I might be forgiven today due to my circumstances to use what was left of the Lochan's Darjeeling to do so and I am so glad I did.
My gratitude goes out to Lochan Tea Limited and all those at Lochan who make it possible for me to have a warming, helpful, lovely cup of tea to soothe my throat, put into a large mug and carry with me all morning, and generally feel like I was going to make it through this day fever or no!
If Mr. Lochan had not sent me this and other as-of-yet untried Darjeelings I would have no tea this morning, and I really, really needed teas warming comfort, strength and gentle caffeine to get the day started. Maybe later I will be up for something from Taiwan but for this morning, this was exactly what was required.
Mr. Rajiv Lochan has my deep gratitute! |