A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

I find a tea my husband actually likes!

Tea Master's Concubine Oolong.

For me this is similar to Oriental Beauty, but my husband did not like the OB I offered him. I suspect this was because I had used my very new Yixing pot for the cup he tasted. He felt it had a metallic taste. This could also be because the tea water was too hot. I tried again with the gaiwan but the water from my new Bonavita  was just under boil and the results were pretty much the same. 
In any case, the Concubine was not scoffed at, though he did decline a second cup. The tea I brewed is also a  summer Oolong bitten by tea jassids and with a high oxidation, but less than OB. It was smooth and fruity and like OB, I found I enjoy subsequent steeps at a lower temperature, as low as 170 Fahrenheit. I will not apologize for this! Nothing compares so far to Oriental Beauty summer 2014 from Floating Leaves Tea Company but this Concubine and a couple of Dong Dings are coming close.

More thoughts on this to come as I will be re-ordering this soon!